Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Epic Day In The Forest

   We started out with about an hour drive out to a beautiful area of the Southern Oregon Cascades. There is a large lake with a campground and boat ramp. At the far end of the large lake, there is a smaller, secluded lake only accessible by a three mile hike. I had been to this spot previously so when we got there we went to check on a blind structure I had found last October. I was amazed at how degraded it had become from the last time I saw it. I have the distinct feeling that once it was discovered, it was no longer of use. We walked past the huge X formation that faces the lake. Was it a greeting or a warning?
July 22nd 2014
Late October 2013

July 22nd 2014
Late October 2013

   As we hiked in we immediately started seeing lots of tree bends and tree breaks, and time and again we heard something big in the brush on a parallel course, just out of sight. We would often head the direction of the noises but could never find what was making them. At one point I thought I saw a dark figure pass between two trees out in the forest. I took the required two steps back to see the spot again and saw nothing. In this zig zag pattern we made our way through the forest in the general direction of a nice lake where a BFRO report spawned my initial curiosity for this area. A fisherman had hiked back there and had rocks thrown at him, was screamed at, and was followed out.
  Hiking in further we heard a noise that many have described. A barely audible low frequency thump. Sounding like a stomp on an old rotten log or possibly even a fist pound on a huge chest or done somehow with the mouth. The parallel accompaniment continued.
   My friend Daniel heard a growl to his left, and we stopped to listen and were heading that way when we heard a loud crack, directly behind us. We turned around in time to see a tall tree fall with a crash almost directly in our direction, which was against the nice breeze that was whispering through the pines. Even as the tree was falling, we heard something run off very fast to our right from the origin of the tree fall.

   We went to investigate and took some pics of the rather impressive tree that fell. We were both trying to take in what had just happened as we headed back toward that secluded lake. We got no further than ten yards farther down the trail when we heard a big “thud” only about 20 feet from us on the left side of the trail, opposite the fallen tree. It sounded very much like a large rock hitting the ground. Once again we took a few steps that direction, but couldn’t find anything.
   We pushed on to the secluded lake. As we hiked the three miles in we walked past literally dozens of arches and breaks and an occasional X or more complicated structure. It seemed as though we were escorted at least most of the time. In the distance, we heard very chimp like short screams in one spurt of four or five.

   We finally reached our destination and sat for a few minutes just taking in the natural beauty of the place. Across the water, but on our end of the lake, I saw something very dark between two trees. I told Daniel about it and he could see it as well. It was there for quite some time but then suddenly it was gone. As we sat there, we heard very rhythmic and methodical rock clacks. I clacked back and they stopped. Several minutes later they started back up. The odd thing about the clacks was that there were two different tones that alternated, very unlike anything natural like a woodpecker.
   We found these very interesting tree structures right near the secluded lake on our way back out. It was a short walk to the farthest end of the big lake and we followed that shoreline on the long trek back to the car. 

   We followed the same trail out that we took in when we were getting near our car. We discovered some prints in the general area of the tree fall. One print in particular was pretty decent. I stomped with my boot and couldn't even dent the ground, so the weight of this guy must be substantial. 

Blog Posted by: Dan Lindholm

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Strength Of Sasquatch

  Many have speculated about the size and strength of Sasquatch. In The Fredericksen Family Squatch story, from my Northern California Sasquatch series Cody Fredericksen descibes a whole tree being thrown like a javelin and knocking a moving vehicle over on it's side. Later in the story he describes a whole meadow being filled with upside down trees. Both of these incidents describe a creature with an incredible amount of strength. Here's an example of what Cody may have been referring to in his story. I believe this pic was taken in Alaska.

  Now I'd like to share another pic that I took myself here in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Once again, I think that this shows the sheer strength of Sasquatch. I realize that this could possibly be done somehow naturally, but the context of the surrounding area puts this theory in more doubt than the theory that Sasquatch did it. Think of the strength that it would take to create this huge X formation. 

  I've seen rocks placed on stumps here in Southern Oregon. I've been told by others of very large rocks being placed on stumps but hadn't seen it for myself, until Joe Pitzer shared this pic on his Facebook timeline. Joe says that this stump is about three feet across. Once again, it's possible that this was done with heavy machinery but then the question would be, why? Also, we must look at the history of this kind of thing being reported by John Morrisey in Central Oregon and seen by myself on a much smaller scale here in Southern Oregon. This pic was taken in Washington State.

  These examples are of course, all up for debate, but if even one of them was actually done by a Sasquatch, what could it mean? My own thoughts on this is that this kind of thing could be a literal display of strength from the Alpha male in a clan. In The Fredericksen Family Squatch Story, it's clear to me that the upside down trees that were placed AFTER the incident with the vehicle was a clear sign that this particular Sasquatch wanted to show how powerful he was as a warning to the men involved to stay away. 

Blog Post by Dan Lindholm

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Bigtruth Community Group website

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Curt B’s First Encounter

   I have been fortunate enough to have had three separate Sasquatch encounters in my lifetime. They were all when I was young. I was fourteen years old the first time I seen a Sasquatch. I grew up in Indiana but we had family land in Kentucky. Really close to the West Virginia state line. My family owned hundreds of acres of pure mountain country. We called it "the knobs." We used to go there all the time and visit. We would go fishing, hunting, and trapping. There was also a great network of caves located all throughout and on top of the biggest mountain on the land. My great, great grandfather and several generations after, farmed tobacco in the flat fields located in the "knobs."
   My grandfather and all his brothers grew up on this land and had countless Sasquatch encounters over the years. They called them "creek monsters." This is way before the name Bigfoot was coined. They were boys running around the woods back in the 1930's and 40's. There is a nice size creek that runs through the property and that's where my grandpa and his brothers usually seen "creek monsters." Every time us boys would go into the woods, even with an adult present, the elders would always tell us to take a rifle or shotgun and to watch out for the "creek monsters." We always thought they were crazy until one faithful day.
   Me and my cousin had rode a couple of mules up the knob to our favorite fishing hole. We fished for a while and weren't having much luck. It was mid July and really hot so we decided to go swimming. We swam to a little island in the middle of the lake and at some point fell asleep. When we woke up, it was almost dark. We were worried we'd be in trouble so we got ready to swim back to the bank, get our shirts, shoes, and fishing poles and head back to the farm (about a 2 hour mule ride). Just as we were getting ready to get into the water, we heard the mules going crazy. They were kicking, braying, and trying to break free from the tree we had them tied to. We looked over to see what was going on and that's when we seen it.
   There was a creature about 8 or 9 foot tall on the bank sifting through our tackle box and worm bucket. We both froze in feast. This creature was only about 50 yards away from us. We both got down on our bellies in some tall weeds and held our breath. This creature was squatting down at first. We watched for what seemed like forever, as it continued taking things out of the tackle box and then dropping them on the ground. Then it stood up. It was huge!!!
   My father used to take me to Cincinnati Bengals football games all the time when I was a kid. Anthony Munoz was my favorite player. He played offensive tackle. He was 6 foot 6 inches tall and weighed 280 pounds. I have been on the field after many games and met him in person. I have stood right next to him and shook his hand so I know how big he is in person. This creature made Anthony Munoz look small.
   We continued to watch in fear. We were afraid it would see us and we weren't sure what it would do to us. It was getting dark at this point which was making us more scared because we still had to get back. It started to walk toward the mules. We thought it was going to kill them. They were still kicking and braying up a storm. The creature hit it's head on a tree branch as it was walking toward the mules. It must have pissed it off because it reach up, grabbed the branch and ripped it from the tree. About that time, we heard a loud, horrible scream from across the lake. It was a scream like I'd never heard before. It made every hair on my body stand on end. The creature looked in the direction of the scream and then took off walking around the lake.
   We stayed in the grass and continued to be quiet. We watched it until it got to the opposite side of the lake and disappeared into the tree line. We stayed on the island for another hour after it vanished, too scared to leave. We kept watching and listening to make sure it was gone. Finally, we slowly and quietly swam back to the bank. We walked the mules about a mile away from the lake before we got on them to ride. The entire time, we kept looking back behind us. Neither one of us said one word the entire time back to the farm. We were afraid it would hear us. I've never been more afraid than I was that evening.
   When we got back, we told our fathers and our grandpa about the experience. All my grandpa had to say about it was, "I told you boys to watch out for those damn creek monsters." I had a couple more encounters on "the knobs" throughout my teen years but nothing like that first one. We watched that creature up close and personal for at least 30 minutes. It wasn't a bear. It wasn't a deer. It wasn't a man in a costume. What we saw that day was a Sasquatch. We went back to the lake about two days later and took a tape measure. We didn't find any tracks because it had since rained. We did find the branch that it hit its head on and then ripped off the tree. We found the area on the tree that the branch was ripped from. There was still half the branch on the tree. The branch measured 8 foot 4 inches from the ground. Believe me if you want. Call me a liar if you want. It really makes no difference to me. I know what I saw that evening and nobody will ever tell me different.

Blog Post by Dan Lindholm

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Former Team Tracker Members Speak Out


Former Team Tracker President Dale Boswell and

Promoter Andrew Clacy Sit Down With Ed Brown

   Rick Dyer has recently made public statements throwing his former Team Tracker colleagues under the bus. We published a response from Lynk Paul here on our blog Lynk's Statement and this interview is a follow up from Promoter Andrew Clacy and Former Team Tracker President Dale Boswell. Ed Brown had the opportunity to sit down and talk to these two gentleman and they were happy to be given the opportunity to address Dyer's claims and set the record straight.

Former Team Tracker Members Sit Down With Ed brown Pt #1

Former Team Tracker Members Sit Down With Ed Brown Pt #2

   It's worth noting that Frank Cali, also formerly with Team Tracker left a comment on the Lynk Paul statement on our blog. It seems everybody wants to throw their two cents in. Even when they claim they want nothing to do with the situation. 


Frank Cali's Comments on the Lynk Paul Statement


I tried to warn both Andrew and Lynk and the Boswells and the rest of Team Tracker back in October. I told Dale NOT to give him any cash. They would not listen to me. I was on to Dyer long before then. I did not bother to read any accounts. I know from the feds that Dyer had no money until October to get the body made. The federal agents said he paid $6,000 for it., Dyer says $4500. Would you listen to Dyer or the FBI? I am very ill and don't have the need to bother with his crap any longer. Both Lynk and Andrew did take part in trashing me along with Dyer and for this. I will never forgive them. My God, my son was even drug into this. Another thing I reported to the agents. I will tell you this. The FBI has a huge file on Ricky Dyer. Why they have not arrested him yet, as they told me they would is a big question mark. I don't want to say to now EX Team Tracker's that I told you so.....but.......


    As this train wreck continues we will continue to document the death of this hoax. We gave it no attention when it was all about Rick Dyer's self promotion, but as it all falls apart, we can't help but report on it. If you missed the Lynk Paul Statement, you've got to check it out if for no other reason than to read about "the best Bigfoot Tracker in the World" peeing his pants when actually finding himself near a Sasquatch. That was definitely my favorite part. 

Blog Post by: Dan Lindholm

Bigtruth on Facebook

Bigtruth Community Group

The Bigtruth YouTube Channel website

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lynk Paul Releases Statement and Speaks with Ed Brown About Rick Dyer's Claims About Team Tracker Members and The Bigfoot Tour

This is Lynk Paul's Response to Rick Dyer's Recent Statements to Set The Record Straight About His Involvement in The Tour, Knowledge of "Hank" the Fake Bigfoot and The Truth About What Happened in Miniola, Texas

I want to make it perfectly clear, I am not giving these responses to Dyer nor do I feel the need to or owe anyone any answers save a few. I am not after fame or popularity. I don't need it to make me who I am or to be a man. I am responding to claims made by Dyer which were sent to me by Andrew Clacy, only to clarify some of these outlandish claims for him, put an end to these rumors and shed some light on the reality of what happened.

I have absolutely NO intention of getting into heated internet debates, conversations or arguments with this lying moron. He wouldn't win anyway. I don't need to be interviewed or put myself out there in the public for attention. I admit that it was a mistake to get involved in this but I do not regret making decisions I made based on information available to me at the time.

We always insisted on getting the evidence we required to do what we went there for, which was to help this person and now, you can see the results of a spoiled little brat and a very despicable human being who did not get his way. Had we not gone, there would be no one to put an end to this facade nor help the people who were in need of our help.

I do not and will never regret coming to the US. It was a learning experience, although mostly bad, I was able to meet some really wonderful people some of which are life long friends. Also in the end, one experience made up for all the bad and I was able to help someone in need. A total stranger to me prior to all this and I would do it for anyone.

Below are the claims and my responses:

Dyer statement 1

From this moment own I will speak the truth! No more lies, tall tales or wild goose chases to mess with the haters!
No more longing into my hater acct to heat the pot. All the so called info the haters received came from either me or a team members that I directed . True or not we just wanted people to talk eg.Prop maker, Addresses, People involved. It was crazy just for the attention!

"First things first. He would have to posses the ability to speak the truth. "No more lies"??? That is just another big lie. He could never speak TRUTH if it bit him in the ass. Messing with the people who he refers to as "haters" is his biggest vice and he can't help himself. It feeds the drama he created and it monetizes his accounts. THAT"S ALL. The only true thing said is "the attention" that's all he cares about and nothing more. He was totally responsible for feeding inside information to Robert Lindsay for his blog and to Racer X and others, for the sole purpose of keeping the drama going because he gets enough hits to generate income."

The people on my tour knew everything from day one, They just didn't expect me to ever come clean, They thought they could say anything they wanted and I couldn't respond without giving my self up!..

"The above statement is absolute rubbish. More of the lies he said he will no longer tell and a desperate attempt to cover his ass and gain sympathy and support at the same time. I admit there were times he did say it was fake just to test us and our loyalty to the team but we only agreed to go because he told us it was 100% real and that he just made up all those lies to test us. When our tickets were bought, we still believed that there was a chance that it all could be real not based on just his word but because of the background story and the players involved. Andrew and I agreed before we left our homes that if we found out it was all a hoax and had the evidence to prove it, it would be us who put an end to it all and not the haters. Besides, no one else had the balls to take the risk. He always knew, and he never shot anything in San Antonio despite what he claims. He has no footage from that day and never had any. None of this we knew till much later to the end.

I was there when he picked up the prop at Chris Russel's house. But up until we got there I was always under the impression that we were going to pick up the real thing. Many times he would say to me, you are finally going to see a real dead Bigfoot. He said he had to drop off Andrew because he did not get clearance for him to go to the facility. Imagine my surprise when we turned up at this guys house. when I was fully aware of what was going on I had to play along till we got out of there. Then we stopped and we argued about what was going on for a while. I told him that I did not come all this was for a hoax but he told me that he was too deep into it now to stop and I had to go along with it just for a while longer. He said that this was the copy for the tour and that the real body would be released at the press conference.

We continued to disagree then he decided to take it a step further. He said to me that I was in his country and his house and he could make it possible for me to never make it back home to my family. He also said that he would tell people that it was all my idea. Although I had no problem dropping him to the ground then and I would have done it to. I had to stop and think what would happen to me and my family if I did. At that time I was dependent on him for food and lodging and he kept it that way. There were some other things he told me which I will not share here, just personal threats which are not relevant to anyone but me now. Based on the situation I was in, I had to concede at the time. The only thing I had to lie about was the facility and security when we went to pick up the alleged body. Since this, I had to be silent and try to find a way to get Andrew and myself out of this situation. Yes, he promised to do the same to Andrew if I told him."

I've learned from past mistakes and I knew not to put to much trust in people. I found out quick I couldn't trust my house guest.
I had a baby monitor in there room the wholetime. It was funny to me that they kept telling on each other to me, leaving out what they said of corse. It was a big game to me watching the greed and seeing what people would do and how far people would go for money!

This statement is so ironic. We were the same people who were more of a father to his kids than he was. We treated them like they were our own. He never learned anything from us being accomplished parents. They even started to call us daddy at times because of the attention we gave them.

There was no baby monitor in the room, another huge lie. If there was, he would have tried to get rid of us a lot sooner. Besides, with the TV on so loud every night, how could he hear anything also one would think seeing that they are horrible parents they would have baby monitors in the room where their baby was so they could hear when he fell off the bed every time and was crying his life out. Poor guy will probably end up with brain damage.

Andrew and I were the only grown and grounded men in that house. We are not childish like he is. We don't need to play tell tale on each other, we discuss all thing between ourselves like adult men. Or didn't he hear that on the alleged baby monitor. Dumb Ass. If this was about money for us we would have put proper contracts in place and had the proper paperwork to conduct that kind of business legally. We came there on tourists visas just to help him. He promised to take care of our financial needs like food, clothes, accommodation and transport. When we got there he promised to pay Andrew 20% and myself 10% of what he made when we brought in money. We were never employees of Team Tracker nor Dyer. That would entail employment contracts and a work visas.

Lets get one thing straight: Dyer has no money of his own unless he swindled it out of people. All he gets is $700.00 food grant every month. He had no money to pay us even if we agreed to it so lets all just not worry about such things. He did not even have a cent to buy and sell cars to make a living till we brought some money, all of which he kept and used for himself. That last sentence  above, mentioned greed and how far people would go for money. Now there he is talking about himself. If he said he heard Andrew and I say that I would agree.

We added it up last night here is what people made including Cash, meals and entertainment.A. $11,668 + $260 bank he didn't return , $600 Samsung S4, and $1435 for a 2 year contract Over $5000 in cash.

L $6235 + $600 i phone and $1435 for a two year contract Almost $4000 in cash

C $250 ticket and meals

M.$800 cash and a plain ticket to and from Vegas

Looks like all of a sudden Dyer can add when it suits him but when he has to give money to others who earned it, his math skills are wanting. ALL OF THE ABOVE IS NOT TRUE. NONE OF US EVER RECEIVED A CENT FROM HIM. He has no money to pay anyone till the tour started and then he never gave us anything. He bought an iphone to compensate for his wife breaking my $1000.00 laptop then tried to replace it with a $170.00 laptop. He did buy the phones for us but not with any money he personally had. It was with money that we brought in and never gave us. So you can say we got those phones with our own money which we never got.

The only money we ever received was directly from the people who loaned him money as compensation for our time and effort. He never asked them for any compensation for us. At no time he asked for all that money to buy what he wanted did he say he also needed to include money to pay us for our time and effort. We even took our money and bought food and other household items in their house which was not provided for us.

As soon as the take from the tour came in he took all of it and ran into the bus and counted it, hid some then came out and told us what he said we made. I started to check the money every 15 minutes and keep a total, then the idiot did it again. He is not as smart as he thinks he is. He came back and told us we only made a lessor figure. I told the others what was going on. They were pissed.

Coming clean about everything is necessary for a new start!

This is the most hilarious statement I ever saw coming from that filthy swine. LMAO.  There is nothing in existence that could perform that kind of cleansing. Coming clean would mean taking a bath at least once a day and brushing his damn teeth at least once a day for a start. THIS IS THE BIGGEST JOKE and FALSE STATEMENT EVER MADE.

*Musky never saw the body, We stayed at hotel all night playing slots. He only wanted to mess with the Bigfoot community and I took advantage of that.

I can't comment on this

* The Body in the trailer is similar to the hight and size only of the real thing.

ALL LIES...WHAT REAL BODY???...He never shot and killed anything.

* Andrew acct was not hacked , he used one of my laptops and when I turned it on a conversation with Dale was on the screen. I read it and found out what was going on. Took about 300 screen shots and logged out. There is nothing to give back because I never had it.

Its the kind of thing he does, invades peoples privacy. When it happened to him, he cries murder. He's a bloody hypocrite.

* We all was expecting over 200k in Daytona ,when that didn't happen ,People started trying cover there ass Andrew left when I was gone picking up the wife and kids from the airport and took the money from that day and turned his phone off. The only reason Andrew is making the false claims is to look good for and befriend the haters so they wont attack his side businesses.

The only one who had the fantasy of going on tour and making that kind of money there was him. We asked him where was his market plan to prove how he arrived at that conclusion but he could not give us anything. Wait because he knows nothing. He just assumed that he would make those figures. There was no demographic there that would bring in that kind of income. We strongly advised against the tour but he insisted. Bloody idiot, thinks he is so smart and knows it all. Andrew will say why he left. By the way, none of his claims are false. He only wanted to go down to Daytona to make money to take his family to the water park at our expense. Also I'm sure someone will mention all of his extramarital affairs. One of the main reasons why he was all to glad to get me off the bus. I wouldn't allow such things.

* When we was in Spokane, WA , Andrew was the camera man and we filmed many different scenarios.


*Lynk knew before he came but to be fair he did say that, he would only agree if we would really go hunting for Bigfoot in hopes of trying to get one himself.

This is a complete and utter lie; once when he tried to test me he said there was no Bigfoot body and it was all a hoax and he would have to go get another one and he asked if I came there if I would help him, I said yes at the time but then I had no idea that i would actually come there. I also said as long as it was a rouge. It didn't matter anyway, he eventually said that he was just making it all up and it was real and I will get to see it for myself. I always took everything he said with a grain of salt when I found out a long time ago that he was capable of lying really good. Very soon everyone will come to know just how much of a lie this was.

* Miniola TX was false, I saw nothing and played off a women's obsession. I just wanted to make a movie!! and that I did. Lynk ,Andrew and Craig believed that something was out there....But it was just me shaking the bus and throwing stuff on the top of the bus...Can't say what happened once I left but I gave them a Bigfoot experience minis the Bigfoot!

All I can say about the nonsense written above is...well it was written by a compulsive liar and a complete moron. He forgot that there were witnesses there that have something to say about this and it will surprise most. Please wait for the account to be published. just a little teaser; "the alleged Bigfoot tracker was so scared he was hit with infra-sound and was totally dazed and disoriented he even pisses himself" - a fact he does not want his adoring fans to know. Maybe he can spend another year at McDonald's to sharpen those tracker skills and forget about what happened if he could. By the way, how could he be rocking and throwing stuff  on the bus when he was asleep and in his bed while Andrew, Craig and I kept vigil all night. We know what rocked the bus and it was not a scared little boy. Did he teleport outside and throw stuff on the bus too. If anyone believes this fool at this point, they deserve to stay in his camp. I don't think that generally people are that stupid but they do seem to emerge and stick around at times.

* Craig got off bus because ,he don't finish anything, Lynk got off to kill a Bigfoot that wasn't there. I tried to get them to stay but couldn't.

Craig and I got off the bus to do what we agreed to do which was to fulfill our promise to stay with this woman at her property and keep her safe. It was mutual that we do so while Dyer and Andrew continued on till they returned for us six days later. He was supposed to stay till the job was done but scared little boy ran away. He didn't even want to go scout the ravine the next morning to look for signs or go document some tree bends just 100 feet from the road into the woods. But I won't talk about that to make it seem like I'm trying to put down some peoples hero or is it zero.

* The tour was successful only because it opened peoples mind to Bigfoot and when it comes down to money Andrew made 20% $11,668 Plus Plus and Lynk made over 10 % $6235 Plus Plus.,,,,,,,,The kids and all my fans smiles would have been payment enough for me....

The tour was anything but successful as Andrew and I warned it would be. AGAIN we were paid NOTHING.....Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. This BS about kids smiles being enough for him, so why did he take ALL the money and keep it for himself. He did put the money in the business account but transferred it to his wife's Contreras Gifts bank account. That's how he was able to buy a car for her and fly all of them first class while we had nothing to eat all day and barely had time to take a shower. And He said that he treated us well and like family. I wouldn't want to be treated like an enemy. But it does not matter, if I were there now he could never face me like a man.

* My Fans I truly love you and I did shot and kill one Bigfoot on 09/06/2012 with Morgan Mathews.

But he said on many occasions that he shot 2, no wait 3, no wait I lost count. Well he did order a baby Bigfoot prop from Chris Russel, who knows he really shot. Wait I know....NONE. And if anyone out there who he calls fans of think they are his fans, he loves nothing but himself and controversy. But you are free to keep following and supporting and see what happens.

* The Tent Video is 100% real and filmed with Morgan. FBFB has the Video complete with sound to prove that Morgan was with me!

The tent video would be real if he had a real body to back it up but he never had anything just taking advantage of a situation as always.  Dyer does not even have any footage from that day like he claims and people who paid for their DVD's should get their money back. Andrew and I insisted that he refund the money and not try to give people what they did not pay for but he said that there was nothing legally wrong with doing that.

*Not trying to be a smart ass , But when I said the haters made this happen and made me money that was the truth!
Controversy sales in a very big way.. It wasn't Andrew that made the media come a monkey can make a phone call... it was the haters and I really thank them for that...

One thing he is not is smart, an ass, YES. The truth; He made money and controversy sales as he spelt it...He said it wasn't Andrew that made the media come. It was us that gave him any credibility where he had none and still has none. A monkey can make a phone call???  Then why didn't he or his wife make the calls?? They seemed to be adequately qualified to. Why bring us over in the first place?? No one would touch his story without us.

Everyone that went on my tour had less than $100 in the bank with nothing going for them, some didn't even own a car.I made their life better, I never treated anyone bad, Im a joker , I play around thats just me....

AGAIN....THIS STATEMENT IS FALSE....He made absolutely no improvement in my life, the life of others nor could he. He would have to be an honorable, truthful and trustworthy man.  Well he would have to be a man. The only truth here is that he is a joker. That's all.

Team Tracker will be reformed and Tim Fricke will still be president. We will continue with the second leg of the tour that is already booked. The side show will continue to inform people about Bigfoot..

I can't comment about Tim's position but TT will not continue, dyer will continue nothing but try to run for Mexico. He can't inform anyone about Bigfoot, he would have to know about Bigfoot first. Compared to what I have found out and researched, he knows absolutely nothing. Just what he makes up in his mind or what he picks from others.

I have made lots of people mad but 1000X more smile!

I agree, lots of people mad and karma will come back to him...all I have to say on that.

I can't and won't give you a date of anything to do with the real body because I don't know.

Its true, he doesn't know because there is no real Bigfoot, connected to him anyway.

*After the shot will be sent out on April 15th 2014.


The Future is bright for Team Tracker and thanks for the support! We are making history! No one came to me with any problems at all when they was here in my face! It;s all done from behind a keyboard.

There is no future for Team Tracker, another lie. You will make history but not the way HE planned. We brought all these problems to your face but you could not not do anything about them but ignore them. But on another note, He is very lucky that things worked out the way he did. He didn't want it to come down to me getting in his face, I promise he would not win. But I know what his karma is and just what is coming for him so I need not do or say anything. I am and will always be a better man than him. He has no future.

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
Genghis Khan

That is the 100% truth guys!

Let me translate this for you:     To all who believe anything I said here while I was lying my ass off, you are extremely gullible and I can make you believe anything I say because you are stupid and as long as you keep believing me you will always be manipulated by me.

Thanks and God Bless

Someone should tell this fool that saying this does not make you a good, honorable, trustworthy or truthful person or the holder of any high and noble values.

This is all I will say and will have nothing more to say on the subject. People can make up their own damn minds. I wish you all well.

Official Statement

"I think Andrew is trying to railroad me cover his own but . I'm not going to take these lies laying down. I have decided to go full force and fight these faults accusations.
Myself or anyone on my team past or present has never broke any local state or federal laws.
I will tell you what laws has been broken Andrews Clacy has stated many times that he was here working for me, what he has failed to mention it was on a tourist visa. He was compensated almost 12,000 dollars in cash living expenses Entertainment & travel."

The only one who is railroading anyone is dyer. Funny he should accuse Andrew of lies. His idea of full force is more lies, way to go. He is such a stupid idiot, if Andrew did work and was paid that sum of money (which he was not) it was dyer who brought him there. But in reality he did go on a tourist visa only to help dyer and all expenses were supposed to be paid as stated by dyer. He gave up his life and business to do what he thought was something that was world changing and something he believed in based on the information made available to him at the time. If anyone is liable here its dyer for using a foreign national to work for him and make money and not compensate him or put the proper work in place. Again he defrauded the system. I hope he paid taxes on all that money he made/took/stole/defrauded whatever you call it.

Below is a Correspondence Between Lynk Paul and Bigtruth's Ed Brown. After The Long Document  Sent from Lynk, Ed Still Had a Few Questions For Lynk Leading Up To His Video Conference With Team Tracker

Good day Mr. Brown,

I just want you to know my answering these questions and backing up everything my colleagues say is by no way any attempt on my part personally to be labelled as a vengeful, vindictive former team member of team tracker or to bash anyone. I appreciate your interest and your respectfulness and all I will give you is the truth as I experienced it.

Along with this is my responses to other statements by dyer forwarded to me by Mr. Clacy. I responded to them only for clarification for Mr. Clacy and not as a direct response to dyer.  Mr. Clacy has the right to do with it as he wishes, even forward them to you. I have already lost a lot in this and do not wish to be involved in this any longer. Not that I am in any way afraid of dyer but I have more important things to do with my life and I will give no more of my time and energy to him. He feeds off of the drama regardless of the consequences.

Not all of us live like that. I really don't care much who don't believe us right now because people have the right to make up their own minds and it was never my intention to try to convince anyone if I'm telling the truth or not but follow the bread crumbs and figure it out for themselves and then only will they believe. Like Mark Twain said - "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

If you have any more questions, I will try to answer them for you if I can.


Lynk Paul

Mr. Paul,

 I want to thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions. I won't take up a lot of your time with a long list. I give you my word that I will express your thoughts word for word as I receive them. If there is anything I can ever do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

1) Chris Russell has stated that you were in the house with Rick when Hank was picked up, how do you respond to that statement?

I admit there were times he did say it was fake just to test us and our loyalty to the team but we only agreed to go because he told us it was 100% real and that he just made up all those lies to test us. When our tickets were bought, we still believed that there was a chance that it all could be real not based on just his word but because of the background story and the players involved. Andrew and I agreed before we left our homes that if we found out it was all a hoax and had the evidence to prove it, it would be us who put an end to it all and not the haters. Besides, no one else had the balls to take the risk. He always knew, and he never shot anything in San Antonio despite what he claims. He has no footage from that day and never had any. None of this we knew till much later to the end.

I was there when he picked up the prop at Chris Russel's house. But up until we got there I was always under the impression that we were going to pick up the real thing. Many times he would say to me, you are finally going to see a real dead Bigfoot. He said he had to drop off Andrew because he did not get clearance for him to go to the facility. Imagine my surprise when we turned up at this guys house. when I was fully aware of what was going on I had to play along till we got out of there. Then we stopped and we argued about what was going on for a while. I told him that I did not come all this was for a hoax but he told me that he was too deep into it now to stop and I had to go along with it just for a while longer. He said that this was the copy for the tour and that the real body would be released at the press conference.

We continued to disagree then he decided to take it a step further. He said to me that I was in his country and his house and he could make it possible for me to never make it back home to my family. He also said that he would tell people that it was all my idea. Although I had no problem dropping him to the ground then and I would have done it to. I had to stop and think what would happen to me and my family if I did. At that time I was dependent on him for food and lodging and he kept it that way. There were some other things he told me which I will not share here, just personal threats which are not relevant to anyone but me now. Based on the situation I was in, I had to concede at the time. The only thing I had to lie about was the facility and security when we went to pick up the alleged body. Since this, I had to be silent and try to find a way to get Andrew and myself out of this situation. Yes, he promised to do the same to Andrew if I told him."

2) What was your main role in Team Tracker?

If I had to answer that honestly, I would have to say a friend to all my team members; but I wrote articles at times then I edited the Team Tracker blog then I was told I was in charge of the team then I was given the title of tour planner.

3) Did you receive everything that you were told you would get from Dyer?

No...Like the song says - Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

3a) If not, what were you supposed to get, and what did you actually get?

When I got to the US, I was told that I would get 10% of earnings for my time and effort. I only received $3000.00 from the person who loaned dyer money as a start and appreciation for the work I did thus far. Half of which was to help clear bills and the other half was to live for 3 months.

4) At what point did you learn the truth about Hank being manufactured?

On the day of the 29th of December, 2013. (see answer for question 1)

Please feel free to add your answers straight on this sheet and return it to Mr. Clacy. Again, thank you for taking a moment to answer a few questions. I do feel that you and your friends from Team Tracker are victims just as much as those who Rick has hurt in other ways, and your input is valuable!! 

Blog Post By Dan Lindholm    Editor's Note: All text was transferred in the exact form it was received including grammatical and spelling errors by Mr. Dyer and Mr. Paul.