Saturday, June 20, 2015

"Bigfoot Bone Piles" Paper Released!

  On June 17th, Mitchel Townsend released the full paper written on the Bone Piles found in the area of Mt. St. Helens and the subsequent full investigation, supportive evidence comparative analysis and conclusions associated with the research. One of the first places Mitchel posted the link to the paper was in the comment thread on his Sit Down With Ed Brown interview from Bigtruth. This is Mitchel's post in the thread using his alter ego name Johnny Dagger

"Jonny Dagger 2 days ago (edited)As promised.  The paper in question is here for your analysis.  "Using Biotic Taphonomy Signature Analysis and Neoichnology Profiling to determine the identity of the carnivore taxa responsible for the deposition and mechanical mastication of three independent prey bone assemblages in the Mount St. Helen’s ecosystem of the Cascade mountain range"
Aaron Mills, Gerald Mills, M. N. Townsend
Respectfully, Mitchel N. Townsend"

Watch the Sit Down With Ed Brown interview for much more info about this research and you will also have an opportunity to hear Mitchel answer some of the early criticism of his work. This is truly a fascinating angle to attempt to prove the existence of Sasquatch and we here at Bigtruth will keep you updated on the progress of this story as it unfolds.

Mitchel Townsend Sits Down With Ed Brown

Blog Post by Dan Lindholm

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