Friday, July 3, 2015

Today In Bigfoot History

Independence Day 2013

by Ed Brown




 It was only two years ago today (July 4th, 2013) that a film was made of a mother or possibly daddy (I will use mother in this article) Bigfoot making its way behind a group of boulders where she had apparently hid her baby in an attempt to keep it safe. After hiding behind the boulders for a few seconds, she emerges with the baby in her arms and walked out of sight.

  If real, this would be an awesome piece of footage that would rival the famous Patterson/Gimlin film that was recorded October 20th, 1967 and remains the best footage ever taken of this elusive animal.  However, “If real?” is a huge question on this film.

  It has been analyzed by some of the people in the business in regards to breakdowns, and while some make great arguments to its authenticity, others make great arguments to it being fraudulent.

  I have watched the film myself many times, and I just can’t seem to get past the obvious helmet this person is wearing.  With that being said, it reinforces the fact that the baby seems to be a puppet.  I mean, why would the mother take the time to give the baby a little kiss if she was concerned about the safety of the baby?  She could have at least done that when she reached the baby, but she waited till she stood.

Clear Footage Of Bigfoot on Independence Day?

I feel that this is a pretty well put together hoax, but… still a hoax.  The person behind the camera ran to their left to get a great shot of the mother leaving the boulders, but failed to follow and see where she goes next.  Also, the movement was not at all natural.  It seemed to me that she was trying to walk like a Bigfoot.

There even seems to be some controversy over who filmed this footage.  In an attempt not to drag any innocent parties name into this scam, I am just going to pass on the background of the film.  But, in any event, this film is called “Independence Day Footage” and it is an obvious hoax reported to have been filmed on this day in 2013.

by Ed Brown

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